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Diverse Postgraduate Scholarships for International Students at Ho Chi Minh City Open University

Date: (11/08/2024)

Ho Chi Minh City Open University (HCMCOU), with over 30 years of experience in postgraduate education, has affirmed its position by successfully training more than 6,000 masters and over 100 doctoral candidates, not only in Vietnam but also internationally.

The university's postgraduate programs are renowned for their prestige and quality, meeting the diverse needs of the society. With a strong foundation in global knowledge with practical application, the programs are structured for efficiency and transparency, and especially emphasize scholarly and scientific research activities. This creates a solid foundation for learners to develop their careers after graduation.

HCMCOU's commitment to quality is evidenced by the national accreditation of numerous master's programs by the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and the international recognition of FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation).

To meet the diverse needs of learners, the university offers two distinct program orientations:

  • Application-oriented: Provides practical knowledge and skills that learners can directly apply to their work.
  • Research-oriented: Focuses on research and development of specialized knowledge, suitable for those who want to work in research, teaching, consulting, or policy planning.

Furthermore, HCMCOU offers various scholarships to support students financially, facilitating students in pursuing their studies, specifically:

  • Open Talent Scholarship: This scholarship is considered and awarded to eligible learners throughout their studies at HCMCOU, specifically for two years for master's programs and three years for doctoral programs, starting from the time of admission.
  • Fellowship Scholarships: This scholarship is designed for learners majoring in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, covering up to 100% of tuition fees and provides a monthly stipend of 10,000,000 VND.
  • OpenBright Scholarship: This scholarship is granted to eligible learners worldwide aged 18-40 who wish to study at HCMCOU.

Read more information about Post-graduate Scholarships here.

International Student Support Team:

Address: Room 003, 97 Vo Van Tan Campus, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3.

Phone: (84-028) 3930 2368

Fanpage: Ho Chi Minh City Open University



35-37 Ho Hao Hon Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-028) 38364748
Fax: (84-028) 39207639 hoặc (84-028)-39207640