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Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students at Ho Chi Minh City Open University

Date: (08/08/2024)

Ho Chi Minh City Open University (HCMCOU), with 34 years of sustainable development, has affirmed its position not only nationally but also internationally. The university attracts a diverse international student body, including students from Laos, France, Cambodia, and the Philippines. This demonstrates that the quality of education and learning environment at HCMCOU meets the needs and expectations of learners worldwide.

The year 2023 marked a significant milestone when the university was recognized for meeting the quality accreditation standards for educational institutions set by the Ministry of Education and Training, cycle 2. Additionally, 03 undergraduate programs achieved quality accreditation according to FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) standards in 2021 and 2022. Notably, 04 bachelor's programs achieved quality accreditation according to AUN-QA standards in 2022, and 09 undergraduate programs achieved quality accreditation according to MOET standards in 2021.

These achievements not only affirm the quality of education at HCMCOU but also bring practical benefits to students.The international accreditation of programs opens up opportunities for credit transfer with universities worldwide, allowing students to study flexibly and diversify their experiences. Moreover, graduates from these programs have a significant advantage in finding employment in European countries and globally.

HCMCOU not only focuses on outstanding education quality but also facilitates international students pursuing undergraduate programs through various attractive scholarships. These scholarships not only provide financial support but also recognize and encourage students' academic efforts, specifically:

  • OpenTalent Scholarship: This scholarship is considered and awarded to students throughout their formal education at HCMCOU, specifically for four years for Bachelor's degrees.
  • OpenBright Scholarship: This scholarship is considered and awarded to learners worldwide aged 18-40 who wish to study at HCMCOU.

HCMCOU not only focuses on education quality but also pays special attention to student life, especially for international students. In addition to valuable entrance scholarships, the university offers scholarships for living expenses, 100% tuition for the Vietnamese language class, etc., to reduce financial burdens and facilitate the integration of international students.

Besides financial support, the university organizes various extracurricular activities, creating opportunities for interaction and connection between international and Vietnamese students. Through these activities, international students not only get acquainted with the new learning environment but also understand more about Vietnamese culture and people, enriching their learning and living experiences at the university. This comprehensive care from HCMCOU has created a friendly, open learning environment, attracting more and more international students to study and research.

Read more information about Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students here.

For more information, please contact International Student Support Team via:

Address: Room 003, 97 Vo Van Tan Campus, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3.

Phone: (84-028) 3830 2368

Fanpage: Ho Chi Minh City Open University


35-37 Ho Hao Hon Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-028) 38364748
Fax: (84-028) 39207639 hoặc (84-028)-39207640