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Preliminary Quality Assessment Survey of 05 Master's and Bachelor's Degree Programs at Ho Chi Minh City Open University

Date: (10/07/2024)

On the afternoon of July 10, 2024, an external evaluation team from the Quality Assurance Center of Education - National University of Ho Chi Minh City conducted a preliminary quality assessment survey of 05 training programs, including:Master's in Chinese Language, Master's in Construction Management, Bachelor's in Information Technology, Bachelor's in Japanese Language, and Bachelor's in Construction Management.

The program was honored to welcome, on behalf of Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Ha - President, and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Xuan Truong - Vice President. Representing the External Evaluation Team were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam - Director and Team Supervisor, and Dr. Truong Chi Hien - Former Vice President of Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, National University of Ho Chi Minh City - Head of the Evaluation Team. Also present were esteemed lecturers and leaders of departments, offices, and centers affiliated with the University and the External Evaluation Team. 

On behalf of the University, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Ha - President, expressed his gratitude to the esteemed lecturers and members of the Evaluation Team for their dedication to the preliminary quality assessment survey. Accordingly, the University will continuously improve the quality of training programs in accordance with the University's standards and orientations.

"Regarding the graduate program, we not only invite leading experts in the field to give lectures but also assign a team of highly qualified lecturers with extensive practical experience to closely monitor and guide learners throughout their studies. Therefore, learners are guaranteed to access in-depth, up-to-date knowledge and have the opportunity to develop their skills comprehensively", said Prof. Dr. Nguyen Minh Ha. 

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Ngoc Quynh Lam - Director and Team Supervisor, shared, "Although it's just a preliminary survey, it is evident that the university highly values the importance of quality assurance through its standards and the enthusiastic support of the esteemed lecturers. We believe that this evaluation will help the university improve its shortcomings and continue to develop in the future."

A memorandum of understanding was signed by both parties at the end of the meeting to formalize the outcomes of the preliminary survey.

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