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Forum on Digital Transformation, Changes in the Business Environment, and Bridging the Gap Between Education and Practical Requirements in Accounting and Auditing

Date: (10/07/2024)

On the morning of July 10, 2024, at Hall 601, 97 Vo Van Tan Street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Open University, in collaboration with the Ho Chi Minh City Accounting Association, organized a forum titled "Digital Transformation, Changes in the Business Environment, and Bridging the Gap Between Education and Practical Requirements in Accounting and Auditing".

In attendance at the forum, representing Ho Chi Minh City Open University, was Dr. Le Nguyen Quoc Khang - Vice President, along with leaders from various departments within the university. Representing domestic and international accounting and auditing professional organizations were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Huu Duc - Vice President of the Ho Chi Minh City Accounting Association, and representatives from the Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants, the Ho Chi Minh City Accounting Association, the Ho Chi Minh City Tax Consultancy and Agency Association, and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Notably, the forum was also attended by leaders and faculty from nine universities in the Ho Chi Minh City area. 

In his opening remarks, Dr. Le Nguyen Quoc Khang - Vice Presidentemphasized that connecting with practical applications is one of the core values that the university always promotes, and the Accounting and Auditing Department of the university is a pioneer in linking research and teaching with professional practice.

Dr. Le Nguyen Quoc Khang - Vice President, delivered an opening speech

"Through this forum, the university aims to create a platform for faculty from various institutions to share their experiences in enhancing the quality of education, contributing to the development of higher education in Vietnam towards a learning-by-doing approach, where theory is integrated with practice and provides opportunities for learners to develop." - said Dr. Le Nguyen Quoc Khang.

"At the forum, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Huu Duc - Vice President of the Ho Chi Minh City Accounting Association, presented a research report titled 'The Accounting and Auditing Profession in a New Context'. The study analyzed the enrollment data of 128 universities and 7 branches offering accounting and auditing programs, surveyed 471 enterprises, and 833 individuals working in accounting and auditing positions across Vietnam. The study provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of accounting and auditing education, the perceptions of businesses and individuals regarding the impact of technology and changes in the business environment on the profession, as well as various aspects of recruitment and employment in the profession. The report highlighted a significant gap between education and practical requirements,as perceived by both businesses and individuals.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Huu Duc - Vice President of the Ho Chi Minh City Accounting Association, shared his insights

From the perspective of businesses, Ms. Chu Thi Ngoc Hanh - Finance Director of Navigos Group, shared that there are currently 62 accredited programs in the field of Accounting and Auditing, accounting for 5.4% of the total accredited programs in universities. This shows that there is a plentiful supply of graduates, but newly graduated students find it difficult to find jobs as more than 44% of surveyed businesses reported no recruitment needs for the coming year. She pointed out that narrowing the gap between the specialized knowledge required in practice and that taught in universities is crucial in the digital age, and that the ability to apply information technology, soft skills, and complementary knowledge and skills is essential. 

Besides professional experience and knowledge, attitude is the top criterion that businesses prioritize during the recruitment process. Candidates with a positive, proactive, and responsible attitude, as well as teamwork skills, a progressive mindset, and a willingness to learn, are preferred for recruitment.

Ms. Chu Thi Ngoc Hanh, Finance Director of Navigos Group, presented her perspective

The forum attracted the participation of many experts and scientists in the field of Accounting and Auditing with three main presentations revolving around the themes of: Narrowing the gap in specialized knowledge between practical requirements and training programs; Digital transformation bringing new opportunities and challenges that require the renewal of technology-related teaching content at the University and the connection between training and practice to bridge the gap in soft skills and complementary knowledge and skills.

Dr. Tran Anh Hoa - Head of the Accounting Faculty at Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics, presented a paper titled "The gap in specialized knowledge and proposals to narrow this gap in terms of curricula and teaching methods".

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Phuoc - Head of the Finance and Accounting Faculty at Ho Chi Minh City University of Commerce, presented a paper titled "The impact of digital transformation on the accounting and auditing profession and the emerging challenges that require the renewal of technology-related teaching content in universities."

Dr. Ho Huu Thuy - Head of the Accounting and Auditing Faculty at Ho Chi Minh City Open University, presented a paper titled "Connecting education with practice to bridge the gap in soft skills and complementary knowledge and skills."

The report on accounting and auditing professions in a new context provides significant practical value, not only for students and universities but also for workers, businesses, and government agencies.

Representatives from various units took a commemorative photo.

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