

The curriculum of economics major is well-designed including practical and applicable modules with 124 credits. Students can graduate after three years and six months studying. The curriculum is focused on providing researching tools such as econometrics, research methodology…

Career after graduation

    Working at government agencies
  • With the tendency of macro economics researching, students graduating in economics major are especially suitable with positions at government agencies.
  • Government agencies in which students graduating economics major can work at can be People’s committee and provincial deparments (Finance Department, Planning and Investment department, Department of agriculture and rural development, Industry and trade department, Trade and Investment promotion center…) or divisions at district level (Finance division, Economics division,…).
    Graduates of Social Work Training may find job opportunities in the following fields:
  • Social institutions, social organizations, community development programs related to the following specific areas:
  • Social services provision for children, youth and families.
  • Social work, counseling services in schools, hospitals, industrial zones; or being in charge of professional social work activities in the People's Committees of all levels, or in the social-political mass organizations such as the Women's Union, the Youth Union, the Red Cross Society; or working for the national and international institutions and social organizations.
  • Project management, project work on community development, social development, participation in poverty reduction projects, capacity building for women, career orientation and job creation for youth, participating in the construction of the saving credit programs.
  • Research training and implementation on social work and other social issues, social policy, social security, environmental protection, community development, educational and training issues.
  • Researching and teaching in the High Schools, Colleges, Universities and research institutes
    Working at researching institutions
  • Students graduating in economics major can also be researcher at researching institutions such as Economics researching institute, Economics and development researching institute…
    Working at education and training institutions
  • Students graduating in economics major with excellent GPA can participate in teaching at colleges and universities. However, in order to follow this career path, after finishing university level, students should continue to study post graduate level.
    Working at enterprises
  • Students graduating in economics major can work at many positions at enterprises such as researchers, analysts, market analysts and researchers, investment analyst and project management executive
Investment Updating  
International Economics
    Working at enterprises
  • Students graduating in international economics major can work at export import companies, logistic companies.
35-37 Ho Hao Hon Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Tel: (84-028) 38364748
Fax: (84-028) 39207639 hoặc (84-028)-39207640